You may already know what development means in terms of
human beings that shape our lives. In general, development is the process of
building personal freedom and capabilities that influence the well-being. The
definition is simple, so you can recognize the meaning as “to create growth,
progress, and capacity to change.”
Another way to define the term is to distinguish between a person’s
state of well-being and the use of technical knowledge to meet the requirements
for life. The key factors of development among humans include making choices of
what to do in life, who to become, and how to control yourself over everything
within the inside. People develop a wide range of experiences by constructing
their knowledge and understanding of the world. It is important to note that
there are millions of opportunities out there humans seek literally to perceive
freedom and success in the course of their development, although not everyone
has exactly the same freedom and capacity to turn toward life’s reality. Your brain
and body both work together as a living organism made up of cells that
facilitate growth and regulation of loss.
Psychologists use the concept to study how the brain grows and declines
throughout the stages of life, identify positive and negative effects of
development, and employ physical, intellectual, and socioemotional processes
based on multiple disciplines. Scientific research exists worldwide since
decades ago that played a critical role in determining the impact of life
events on development toward social relationships. Developmentalists do their
own research in a laboratory to collect information from participants about a
problem before they truly make conclusions. For example, if you are a
psychology major, you will need to take statistics and research analytics
classes to learn the most accurate methods and steps to perform representative
sampling for specific data about the problem.
This field of study helps students better understand the ethics of researching
development to solve life problems. It still has challenges and complications,
but it takes time and work to get familiar with the activity. Understanding
development can make you an effective problem-solver while improving the lives
of all individuals and their communities. This topic has gained interest in
preparing for careers in education, childcare, counseling, social work, etc.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a keen of knowledge and scope to support
individuals who struggle to develop normally, because you want to be a good role
model and have as much practice for your clients as possible. Advanced
communication skills are important to serve the needs of people. Many colleges
and universities offer undergraduate programs available for students interested
in learning more about different approaches to development that apply to any
career path they choose. Some professions require a master’s degree or higher
depending on the field.
Lifespan development is a comprehensive approach that deals
with changes in personal growth in different stages of life. It begins at birth
and continues until old age. We can call it a “life cycle” as it goes through a
lifespan, which describes the number of experiences that affect an organism’s
perceptions at each developmental level. Positive changes occur when a person
maintains physical and cognitive functioning at any age, so if you have good
health habits because of less stress and how physically active you become, you
are probably aware that these factors of development can lead to a longer and healthy
life. If you are socially isolated or abuse alcohol and other drugs, it puts
you at increased risk of developing poorly as you get older. Socioemotional
development includes engaging in secure relationships with others that have a
positive impact on the lifestyle. Children living with families with clear
expectations and guidance from their parents become satisfied with their lives
as adults. Those that receive emotional support of parents and friends develop
high self-esteem which motivates them to become socially competent in peer
relations. All children need socialization in school, at home, and activities.
As a developmentalist, it is important to figure out ways to handle the
situation people face at the meantime using effective coping strategies. For
example, you could recommend a child with emotional problems to get into
special education where teachers can promote an environment that is appropriate
for their learning and developing adequate social skills with facilitation.
Cognitive development refers to the ability to learn, think,
and reason; whereas physical abilities include motor development and sensory
functioning. Children begin developing language perceptions as they learn to
read and write. As preschoolers and kindergarteners, they establish friendships
with other children I the same age to achieve basic goals as they mature into
future relationships. Those who obtain support from parents and teachers are
most likely to become independent and satisfied with their lives than those
that don’t. As children grow older, they are encouraged to overcome the
challenges in academic achievement by mastering the skills needed to meet the
requirements of the curriculum, such as reading, math, English, and
science. As a result of doing well in
school, they are allowed to manage the activities that give them an opportunity
to be active and form social networks with others engaged in similar
tasks. A perfect example includes
joining a club or sports team, these physical activities provide individuals with
interpersonal skills to cooperate with one another.
Erik Erikson |
One of the most popular developmental theories studied
worldwide is Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development. This theory is often
viewed as an argument against Freud’s idea of psychosexual development,
emphasizing that people go through eight stages of life rather than what he
previously believed. In fact, Erikson states that an individual completing each
stage successfully and virtually has a positive outcome on personality
development at any age. Psychologists analyze and apply the theory in their
perspective to examine the balance between personality traits and changes in
individual experiences. Below is a brief description of Erikson’s stages of
psychosocial development listed in correct order:
1. Trust vs. Mistrust
This is the first stage of Erikson’s theory that lasts for
about one and a half years after a baby is born. During this stage, an infant
relies on consistent care of parents and other adult relatives. Developing a
sense of trust is an important ingredient in early infancy toward the support
of caregivers. If an infant is securely attached to a caregiver, he or she
experiences virtue of hope that people will be there as a prevalent predictor
of positive relationships with others. Sometimes infants cry when being left
alone and may require trained babysitters to care for them ahead of parents’
work schedule. Secure attachment of responsible adults can improve an infant’s
temperament and ability to soothe themselves before transitioning to the second
phase of life. If the care they receive isn’t consistent enough, mistrust
occurs dramatically that will lead to fear or loneliness.
2. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
This second stage of development begins at two to three
years of age. Children are encouraged to explore their abilities to acquire
independence and self-control in which they develop physically. The parental
roles involve helping children learn to take care of themselves and make
choices about activities they enjoy doing. During this stage they assert their
independence and strengthen motor skills to increase control of their
movements. Effective strategies of developing a sense of autonomy include
walking on their own, putting shoes and socks on, and picking up toys to play
with. The failure to achieve physical abilities is associated with low
self-control and a sense of shame and doubt.
3. Initiative vs. Guilt
Erikson’s third stage of psychosocial development lasts
between 3 and 5 years of age. Children learn to assert themselves more than
ever before. During this stage they plan and initiate activities, ask questions
about what they need and want, and have opportunities to interact with other
children. As the knowledge progresses, they make up mistakes that determine the
consequences of his or her behavior.
While attending preschool they establish morality by following the rules
explaining what is right or wrong. If a parent or teacher becomes angry with
what children have done unethically, it may cause too much guilt and they feel overwhelmed
for being a nuisance. In order to reduce the feelings of guilt, it is important
to treat kids the way they want to be while taking advantage of the questions
they have. Having a virtue of purpose allows for a positive balance between
initiation and guilt in completion of this stage.
4. Industry vs. Inferiority
At this stage, children learn specific skills to accomplish
things. It occurs during middle and late childhood (5-12 years) when they
develop competencies to achieve a sense of industry. They spend more time in
school and away from their homes. The cognitive development in middle childhood
is characterized by learning to read, write, and perform operations. Children
begin to develop language abilities to increase the level of comprehension.
Self-esteem is frequently a valuable source of competence developed throughout
this period of time as a result of becoming confident. Establishing close friendships are also vital
to all of us that involves providing social support to enhance self-esteem. The
concrete operations are performed logically with specific skills that give them
a virtue of competence. In contrast, if a child has not developed these skills
to achieve the goals, inferiority occurs as he or she fails to learn what is
required to meet the values of society.
5. Identity vs. Confusion
According to Erikson, the transition from childhood to
adulthood is completed through the development of a strong sense of self.
Individuals compare themselves to others in acquisition to virtue of fidelity.
It takes place in between 12 and 18 years of age. Although teenagers may feel
insecure about the new experience; those that complete this stage successfully
have the ability to explore their independence and make decisions about their
future upon graduation from high school. Adolescents experience physical
changes as they mature into emerging adulthood, having an influence on height,
weight, sex hormones, and gender.
Cognitive changes include abstract thinking and knowledge of the world
that lead to increasing levels of intelligence. The achievement of personal
identity involves reinforcing the sense of self and committing to a path that
interests an individual. High school students form genuine friendships, are
sexually active, and participate in many social activities, otherwise role
conflict can occur more frequently due to a steady balance between employment
and studying. Deciding on what you want
to accomplish with the rest of your life is the main goal of teens to get ahead
of their time. This stage of development is significant because it prepares you
for the transition to college education and professional development by
improving specific skills while seeking career opportunities to be successful.
It means that people grow up very quickly and are getting ready to move away
from their families to live their own lives and start new careers at age 18 or
beyond. The failure to develop identity is a risk factor of becoming confused
about themselves and it can cause serious consequences on what will happen in
later stages of life.
6. Intimacy vs. Isolation
The sixth stage of development begins at age 19 and
continues until the late thirties. The goal of young adulthood includes
engaging in intimate relationships with others. It is possible that conflicts
may occur when people don’t feel right about the partners they previously
dated. However, they must be resolved using positive coping strategies to
maintain a sense of intimacy. Love is a major source of intimacy by which an
individual shares his or her private thoughts and feelings toward one another. Whether
a couple is married or cohabitate, both individuals live together in the same
household for a specific period of time. It is important to understand that the
partner wants to be shown respect and kindness so you both get along. According
to Erikson, this stage plays a key role in developing close connections that
embrace an individual’s socioemotional aspects of life with the support of
others. Failure to succeed in this stage results in isolation and loneliness.
That’s why learning how to resolve all conflicts effectively can help keep the
relationship smooth and fulfilling.
7. Generativity vs. Stagnation
Erikson’s seventh stage of development typically lasts
throughout the 40’s and 50’s. During this stage, individuals become fully
mature and create contributions to society as a major benefit on a younger
generation. Being involved in the community is important to achieve a sense of
generativity including helping others and serving as a leader of an
organization. They raise and guide their children to develop while focusing on
career accomplishments. Despite the developmental changes exhibited in this
phase, adults try to be physically active by engaging in many leisure
activities that improve their body functioning and reduce stress associated with
aging effects. Middle-aged adults are both parents and full-time workers.
Although conflicts may occur at some point due to demanding routines in career
and family life. In the stage of generativity adults need to be creative and
productive in fulfilling their accomplishments to bring contributions to the
community. Failure to complete this stage leads to developing a sense of
stagnation; consequences include being inactive, uninvolved, and delays in
meeting the needs of other individuals of future generations.
8. Integrity vs. Despair
Erikson’s final stage of development begins at age 65 and
ends at death. It describes a person reflecting on the past as aging progresses
through the rest of his or her life. Individuals go through late adulthood
successfully by achieving acceptance of how well they have lived. Grandparents
retire and spend leisure time with their middle-aged children and grandchildren
to stay active as a common sign of wisdom. Those who achieve a sense of
integrity are able to recall themselves as leading successful and productive
lives. Older adults that have achieved both intimacy and generativity over the
past 45 years usually develop expert knowledge of their experiences in the
workforce, relationships, and family life. Aging is a significant approach to
human development that deals with the decline of physical and cognitive
functioning when people get old. Three types of aging include successful,
normal, and pathological.
So, what did you learn about Erikson’s stages of
development? Which of these do you find interesting? This most popular theory
shown above is an example of how humans evolve over a lifetime, and what must
be done to achieve personal growth in different phases of life. Everybody has
to work hard not only to develop normally but also to become a successful
individual. The best way to do so as children would be for parents and teachers
to teach them all the skills they need to reach the goals such as being
socially active and making good choices for themselves and others. It is
important to consider the advantages and disadvantages in the process of
development that people exhibit during each stage. For example, if someone has
special needs, reasonable accommodations must be made appropriately to promote
further success in all kinds of things that typically developing individuals
do. Some children and adolescents have
difficulty processing information from class materials and may require the use
of adaptive equipment and other accommodations registered by the special
education department. Every individual is required to attend school and learn
about the world as part of developmental experience. There are always
opportunities to learn and of course, ask as many questions as possible about
stuff you’ve never heard of before. Reading all the time can help, but also
education is the biggest priority to enhance plasticity and make life
interesting. Another important aspect of education is peer relations. Children
build friendships with others to gain social competence. Schools provide social activities that help
children cooperate with one another to develop communication and leadership
skills. As a result of becoming socially active that remains throughout the
lifespan, individuals are likely to have positive romantic relationships and
work experiences. Depending on how well people have gone through various levels
of development, they can still have goals and opportunities to accomplish in
life. Most of us go to college, hold well-paid jobs, live independently, and
start a family.