The main definition of the Affordable Care Act is the federal legislation that extended health insurance coverage for uninsured individuals with low income. The law was enacted in March, 2010 by President Barack Obama and the House of Representatives that helped millions of Americans gain access to healthcare coverage for many reasons. Also known as Obamacare, it has two major parts; the first is titled Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, second is Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. The act was designed to make affordable insurance more available and expand tax credits for people with pre-existing conditions. It went into effect in 2014, mandated insurance companies to accept all applicants at no cost and individuals to buy health insurance when they need it. The law improved the quality of healthcare by reducing income inequalities of uninsured individuals ranging from 20 to 40 million. The amendment overhauled individual markets in the expansion of Medicaid and employer based insurance plans, which allowed individuals to pay the taxes as healthcare coverage increases.
The ACA is vital to various populations in need, such as poverty, the mentally ill, and those with disabilities. Those who need long term healthcare are eligible for Medicaid related benefits that are essential to address their needs. The ACA gained support of the majority to lower the cost of healthcare and make sure insurers don’t deny the applicant’s status before receiving the benefits.
Not everyone can afford healthcare if they are sick or need immediate medical assistance. The ACA gives people adequate access to affordable medications and therapy appointments. Not having healthcare coverage can put them at risk of serious conditions that require hospitalization, long term care in nursing homes and intensive care facilities, and even death. Coverage is always important to not only increase the affordability of certain types of care but also save people’s lives. There are many individuals that receive treatment because of the ACA. Since 2010, the Obama administrations worked on the law that resulted in the decline of mortality rates over three years. The ACA implemented Obamacare programs to improve medical capacity on hospitalized patients. Research suggests that there were approximately 1.3 million fewer deaths since the law went into effect. The conclusions about the research on affordable healthcare stated that about 12 million dollars are saved in addition to the number of survivors suffering from disease. Examples of patient related problems included in the ACA are high blood pressure, drug addiction, and infectious diseases that limit their chances of survival.
Millions of Americans have already gotten affordable insurance under ACA, which has been successful in keeping them out of debt while eliminating medical expenses. The factors that covered people under these provisions include financial aid for insurance premiums and subsidies to provide them access to resources through Medicaid. However, it is possible that the law will be overturned by the Supreme Court that could result in further consequences for healthcare systems. The ruling against the act might have multiple effects on coverage, but actually we don’t know yet what will happen if it changes at some point. Some parts of the law may remain in place if not totally erased. Everyone needs health insurance for a lifetime so their health needs can be met. For instance, it is difficult to afford doctor visits and treatment without health insurance and it increases the risk of developing severe symptoms if people delay care due to cost. The goal is to live healthy lives and have the freedom to support ourselves and others. We need to continue to do our best to avoid losing healthcare and find new ways to securely bring back affordable insurance even if the ACA no longer exists.