Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The History of Disability and Education in the U.S.

The History of Disability and Education in the United States

Alex Fitzgerald


The reform on education for children with disabilities was established during the 1800s and historically influenced the structure of social policy and institutions regarding integrating disabled children into public schools. This paper covers the history of disability education rights movements from the early 1800’s to present. 

History of the Social Issue

  The definition of “disability” has changed over time and shapes how scholars think and analyze the approach to inclusion and exclusion in the contemporary era (Altschuler & Silva, 2017). The medical model and the social model (nature vs. nurture) are the two main perspectives that are explored in historical literature. The medical model defines disability as an abnormality in a person’s physical or mental conditions that reduces quality of life and views disability as a biological impairment in terms of health and functioning that should be cured (Kudlick, 2005). The social model emerged in the United States during the 1960’s and was concerned with equality of opportunity to participate in society. (Cigman, 2010). The social model focuses on consequences of social and environmental barriers that exclude an individual from participating in society. 

The first era of educational reform began during the Civil War and abolitionist movement, which prompted states and the federal government to create public institutions for the deaf, blind, and mentally challenged (Madaus). The development of special education programs began with Beverly schools in the early 1800’s, and in 1823 the first school for the deaf was built in Kentucky (Guidara, 2013). In 1864 Gallaudet became the first college for the deaf when President Lincoln signed a bill into law that created more schools for the deaf at a federal level (Madaus, 2011). However, it wasn’t until 1913 that disabled children started receiving individual attention through special education (Guidara, 2013). Changes to policies and institutions of higher education after World War I and World War II resulted in an influx of veterans with disabilities attending college. The Soldier’s Rehabilitation Act of 1918 and the G.I Bill of Rights Act of 1944 provided aid to veterans with disabilities with equal access to educational experiences and job training upon graduation.  It restored in an increase of individuals with disabilities entering public schools throughout the 21st century (Monyl).

 In the 1959’s an opportunity to seek civil rights laws and education legislation became widely accepted that shaped societal and political attitudes toward disability, The contemporary era of special education (1950-present) was a shift from segregation (medical model) to inclusion (social model) (Cigman, 2010). During the 1950’s, advocacy groups fought against segregation in public schools. In 1953, Brown vs. Board of Education declared segregation as unconstitutional, and in 1972, Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia established that all children are entitled to a “free appropriate public education”. These cases helped to establish the foundation for the 1975 law, Education for All Handicapped Children Act or EAHCA (Spaulding & Pratt, 2015). The EAHCA required states to provide equal access to education for all students with disabilities (Jansson, 2019). This law was expanded over the years to become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), granting funding for states to administer early intervention and special education programs for school-aged children with disabilities (Murphy, 1996). The most recent law, Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and improved provisions under IDEA. These pieces of legislation expanded equal opportunities for all students, leading to higher rates of high school graduation and enrollment in post-secondary education (Madaus, 2011). 


Cultural attitudes, absence of polices and lack of access to education are the primary ways in which people with disabilities have been oppressed throughout history (Spaulding & Pratt, 2015). Contributing factors of disability discrimination included race, gender, poverty, neglect, superstition, and ignorance of disability (Munyi, 2012). 

Early American disability studies suggest that the meaning of disability was originally viewed as an application of identity based on physical and cognitive differences, leading to stigma and disgrace (Altscher). The disabled often experienced exploitation, expulsion from society, and even execution. People with disabilities were often put in almshouses and prisons as a measure that segregated them from society. As a result, many children with disabilities were institutionalized or hidden from society and received no education (Spaulding & Pratt, 2015). 

An absence of laws protecting the disabled and the physical inaccessibility also contributed to the lack of educational opportunities for handicapped children. In early history there were no elevators, ramps, or lifts installed in buildings and there was a limited access to public transportation. Before many civil rights laws were passed, school districts had a choice on whether to exclude or include children with disabilities in mainstream or special education programs (Pugach, 2011). The veterans who returned from the war with physical and other types of disabilities also helped to raise public awareness and acceptance and the opportunity to seek legislation and federal laws mandating access to education (Spaulding & Pratt, 2015).


A review and analysis on the history of disability education is concerned with multiple themes highlighting a shift in perspectives from nature to nurture, changes to societal conceptions of individuals with disabilities, and the evolution of special education and inclusion (Spaulding & Pratt, 2015). The contemporary era introduced the normalization and deinstitutionalization movements combating oppression and changing public perceptions of disabilities. Additionally, inclusive education advocates successfully fought for inclusion that ultimately ensured individuals of all ability levels the right to a free and public education and the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.


Altschuler, S., & Silva, C. (2017). Early American Disability Studies. Early American Literature, 52(1), 1–27.

Cigman, R. (2010). Social Model of disability. Social Model of Disability - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from 

Guidara, A. (2013, August 8). The history of special education in the late 1800s to mid-1900s: A look through Beverly Schools. Primary Research. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from 

Jansson, B. S. (2019). The reluctant welfare state (9th ed.). Cengage.

Kudlick, C. J. (2005). Disability History, Power, and Rethinking the Idea of The Other.” PMLA, 120(2), 557–561.

Madaus, J. W. (2011). The History of Disability Services in higher education. New Directions for Higher Education, 2011(154), 5–15.

Munyi, C. W. (2012). Past and present perceptions towards disability: A historical perspective: Disability studies quarterly. Past and Present Perceptions Towards Disability: A Historical Perspective. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from 

Pugach, M. C., Blanton, L. P., & Correa, V. I. (2011). A Historical Perspective on the Role of Collaboration in Teacher Education Reform: Making Good on the Promise of Teaching All Students. Teacher Education and Special Education, 34(3), 183–200.

Spaulding, L. S., & Pratt, S. M. (2015). Article 7: A review and analysis of the history of special education and disability advocacy in the United States. American Educational History Journal, 42(1-2), 91+.

U.S. Department of the Interior. (n.d.). Disability history: The disability rights movement (U.S. National Park Service). National Parks Service. Retrieved April 16, 2023, from 

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